Be Prepared

As an Alabama Power customer, we want you to know we are prepared for severe weather.
And when a major storm hits, you can be assured we will work as quickly and as safely as we can to restore service.
Meanwhile, there are things you can do to be better prepared for severe weather, and its aftermath.
Before the Storm:
1. Charge cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices.
2. Use a battery-operated weather radio to stay informed.
3. Turn down the thermostat to cool your house. If you keep doors and windows closed after the storm, you can keep your house relatively cool for about 48 hours.
4. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building. In the event of a tornado, the safest place is on the lowest level. Choose a small room with no windows, such as an interior closet, hallway or bathroom.
After the Storm:
1. If power is out, call our automated reporting system at 1-800-888-APCO (2726). It is the fastest way to report an outage or a hazardous situation, such as a downed power line.
2. Turn off appliances to avoid any potential safety hazards when power is restored.
3. Stay away from downed lines. Do not drive over lines or under low hanging lines. Keep children and pets away from downed lines. Do not attempt to remove tree limbs or anything else caught in power lines. Call Alabama Power at 1-800-888-APCO (2726) or a local law enforcement agency if downed lines are spotted.
4. Stay clear of areas with fallen trees or debris where downed lines can be hiding. Stay away from areas where repair crews are working.