Alabama Power employees receive prestigious awards

The Alabama Power Central Safety Committee has approved a record-breaking 37 employees to receive the company’s highest tribute – the Presidential Award of Honor.
18 employees were recognized at a luncheon on Tuesday, March 3, with the remaining 19 employees to receive their awards at a later date.
“It is a true testament of our safety-first mentality at Alabama Power to have so many employees being recognized for going above and beyond to save or sustain a life,” said Steve Spencer, executive vice president of the Customer Service Organization.
“I am proud to work at the same company as these employees, and I hope this continues to encourage employees to strive to be their brothers’ and sisters’ keeper not only at work but also after.”
From generating plant emergency response teams; to distribution crews on storm restoration; to employees helping someone on their way home from work — a diverse mix of employees and work groups make up the largest grouping of recipients to date. Their heroics stem from nine different emergencies.
Four of the events involved work groups. Also a first for the Presidential Award of Honor, nine employees from Barry Steam Plant will receive two awards for separate events.
The following employees and work groups were bestowed this award:
- Dan Dutton, Appliance Sales
- Andrew Chambliss, Substation Construction
- Larry Hicks, Power Delivery-Anniston
- Power Delivery – Western: Greg Aldridge, Albert Bell, Bryan McGee, Jason Pruett, James Styring
- Barry Steam Plant Emergency Response Teams 1 and 2: Reuben Adams (2), David Barnett, Kendra Burroughs, Tonya Byrd, Kyle Cochran (2), Kevin Dailey (2), David Dreaden, Randy Flemming (2), Kevin Lynch, Jamie Mason (2), Jeff Mason, James Savage, Jack Shaw (2), Vance Snow, Jason Sullivan (2), Ashley Weaver (2), Aaron Weston, Lerone Wiley (2), Kevin Zedler
- Miller Steam Plant Emergency Response Team: William Beavers, Richard Boles, Robert Busby, Larry Johnsey, Robert Pruett, Lawayne Vintson, Brandon Williams
- Brandon Hope, Gaston Steam Plant
- Calvin Mickens and Wilbur Thornton, Gorgas Steam Plant.

Alabama Power chairman, president and CEO Mark Crosswhite, center, joins Presidential Award of Honor winners.
The Alabama Power Presidential Award of Honor was established in 1985 by the Central Safety Committee to recognize employees for acts that saved or sustained the life of another person that was in imminent danger of dying.
The award also recognizes employees who have made contributions to the company’s safety and health program that have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of work-related injuries. Nominations are submitted by executive management and approved by the Central Safety Committee.