Published On: 10.01.15 | 

By: 92

Sending help for Hurricane Joaquin

storm track 2

Update: the deployment has been canceled.


Alabama Power will be sending assistance to Virginia, to be positioned in advance of the anticipated landfall of Hurricane Joaquin. On Thursday, Joaquin was upgraded to a Category 4 storm, with sustained winds at 130 mph.

storm trackAlabama appears to be far enough away from the projected storm tracks, which gives Alabama Power the flexibility to extend mutual aid to other companies.

The 400-person contingent from Alabama Power will deploy Friday morning from many locations around the state, and includes:

  • nearly 240 line crew personnel
  • more than 120 support, security and logistics personnel
  • 40 storm damage evaluators.

Additionally, more than 150 contractors that had been working on Alabama Power projects have been released to assist along the East Coast.

The Alabama workers will be positioned safely inland in Virginia, and ready to help restore power to affected customers after the storm blows past.