Published On: 10.02.15 | 

By: Chad Allen

100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die: Heaton Pecan Farm’s pecan pie


When you walk into the Heaton Pecan Farm shop off Interstate 65 in Clanton, the sweet aromas of chocolate, ice cream and, especially, pecan pie let you know you’ve arrived at a special place.

Travelers often stop for a break and a sweet treat. I recommend the blueberry pecan ice cream but don’t pass up the pies. Sold in small tarts or in full pies, the basic recipe of the Heaton Pecan Farm pecan pie is probably just like the one your mama uses.

The simplicity and authenticity are made all the better because it all starts with Heaton Pecan Farm pecans. It’s good enough to earn it a spot on the Alabama Department of Tourism‘s “100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die” list.

100 Dishes: Heaton Pecan Farm’s pecan pie from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.