Published On: 10.06.15 | 

By: Michael Sznajderman

Alabama Power launches Small Business Solutions

Alabama Power is committed to working with small businesses and helping them succeed. As part of that commitment, the company has launched a new program, Small Business Solutions, with support from the Alabama Public Service Commission, the National Federation of Independent Business/Alabama, and the Alabama Small Business Commission.

“Small businesses are the heart and soul of Alabama’s economy,” said Tony Smoke, vice president of Marketing for Alabama Power. “We are always looking for ways to help small businesses grow, save money and create jobs.”

Small Business Solutions offers several options to help small commercial customers strengthen and expand their businesses and become more energy efficient:

  • Small Business Deposit Refund – Beginning November 2015, small commercial customers in good standing with the company may be eligible for a one-time refund of the deposit they paid when establishing their business account. As many as 13,000 small businesses may qualify for the refund. Average refunds are expected to be about $500, although some could be more than $1,000. Businesses can call Alabama Power at 1-888-430-5787 weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. to determine eligibility or visit for more information.
  • Community Redevelopment Incentive (Rate Rider CRI) – Small commercial or industrial customers who establish or expand a business in existing, vacant buildings can receive a 15 percent reduction in their monthly base rate for a period of 12 months. To qualify, the vacant space must have been unoccupied for at least six months.
  • Energy audits for small businesses – Small businesses may qualify for a free energy audit from the company. Alabama Power representatives are available to visit businesses and help them identify ways to use energy more efficiently. To determine eligibility, businesses can call 1-888-430-5787 weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Small Business Solutions is just the latest effort by the company to assist small businesses. Alabama Power worked with the Alabama Small Business Commission to create a special page on the company’s website for small business, The page offers a variety of resources for small businesses, including marketing data for counties within Alabama Power’s service territory, details about Alabama Power incentives, and information about how businesses can become more energy efficient.

The company also has worked with the small business commission to help create a website devoted to small businesses in the state, Atlas Alabama,  On the website is information about insurance, licenses and taxes; county-by-county listings of local agencies and organizations that support small businesses and small business development; and other resources designed with small business in mind.

Of course, small businesses can always call Alabama Power’s Business Service Center to speak with a specialist about Small Business Solutions, as well as other company offerings and incentives. The Business Service Center can be reached weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. by calling 1-888-430-5787.

“We appreciate Alabama Power’s support in helping us identify ways to help small business in the state,” said Rosemary Elebash, chairman of the small business commission and state director of the National Federation of Independent Business.

“The Alabama Small Business Commission encourages innovation and discussion of issues critical to the economic growth of small and independent businesses,” Elebash added. “Partnerships with Alabama Power and others are some of the best ways that the commission can promote policies to assist start-ups, and the expansion of existing businesses in the state.”