Support local nonprofits this Giving Tuesday

Above: Giving to Eufaula City Schools helps teachers provide academic, enrichment and technical opportunities for the public school system’s 2,800 students.
When Adlay Rumore turned 8 last month, she didn’t ask her friends to bring gifts to her birthday. Instead, she and her mother, Donya, chose a local nonprofit and used her party to collect donations.
Adlay loves animals, so she chose to support the Humane Society of Greater Birmingham. When her little sister, Amira, turned 4 in June, she collected toys for kids at Children’s of Alabama.
Rumore said she thought it was important to teach her girls that giving is important. “Our girls are very blessed with a loving, giving family,” she said. “We’re trying to instill in them that quality that to whom much is given, much is required.”
Adlay said it made her feel very good to do something for someone else.
It’s an act that will hopefully be repeated many times over on this Giving Tuesday, a worldwide event that started in 2012 encouraging people to make donations to nonprofit organizations.
Communities nationwide encouraged to give to nonprofits in Giving Tuesday from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.
Alabama is one of the most charitable states in the country. In a 2014 study, Alabama ranked third in the nation for charitable giving. On average, Alabamians gave 4.81 percent of their adjusted gross income to charities.
This Giving Tuesday, Alabama NewsCenter is sharing information on how you can give in-kind and monetary donations to some standout organizations across the state that the Alabama Power Foundation has awarded grants to in recent years. Check out the list below.
Alabama Possible (statewide)

Alabama Possible is a statewide nonprofit that works to remove barriers to prosperity through advocacy, education and collaboration.
About: Alabama Possible is a statewide nonprofit that works to remove barriers to prosperity through advocacy, education and collaboration. Their research-driven work is designed to broaden relationships and enhance capacity building, with a focus on systemic poverty. They believe it is possible for all Alabamians to lead prosperous lives, and their programs work to make that a reality.
What to give: They accept monetary donations.
How to give: Donations can be made via PayPal or by check to Alabama Possible, P.O. Box 55058, Birmingham, AL 35255.
Contact: T.C. McLemore, Communications and Development manager, or 205-939-1408.
Brantwood Children’s Home (Montgomery)
About: Brantwood is a home for disadvantaged children ages 10-20 years old. Brantwood’s mission is to operate in the best interest of the community while serving independent, neglected and abused children by providing for and supervising their education, health and social adjustments.
What to give: Brantwood’s children always need seasonal clothing such as coats, boots, gloves and hats in the winter and sandals, T-shirts and shorts in the summer. Brantwood encourages people to share their “time, talent and treasure” by volunteering at fundraising events, providing in-kind services such as painting and sewing and by giving money.
How to give: In-kind donations can be dropped off at Brantwood’s front office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call to arrange another drop-off time. In-kind and monetary donations can be mailed to 1309 Upper Wetumpka Road, Montgomery, AL 36107. Make a monetary donation online.
Contact: Krystal Floyd, Development director, 334-549-5988 or
Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center (Clanton)

Volunteers participate in an activity at Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center.
Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center offers a safe, friendly environment to children victimized by abuse or neglect as it carries out the mission to provide restoration and justice. The agency provides forensic interviews, therapy, caregiver support sessions, expert testimony, multi-disciplinary team coordination and advocacy services throughout the life of the child abuse case in the criminal justice system.
What to give: They accept both money and in-kind donations. For a list of in-kind donations, view their Amazon wish list.
How to give:
In-kind: To schedule a time to drop off in-kind donations, call Butterfly Bridge CAC at 205-755-4205. In-kind donations can be shipped to 603 Second Ave. N., Clanton, AL 35045.
Monetary: Monetary gifts can be made payable to Butterfly Bridge CAC. Mail checks to Butterfly Bridge CAC at P.O. Box 588, Clanton, AL 35046. Make a secure online donation through their website.
Contact: Jana Zuelzke, executive director, 205-755-4205 or
Eufaula City Schools
About: Established in 1872, Eufaula City Schools is a progressive system for about 2,800 students providing academic, enrichment and technical opportunities while maintaining the values and traditions of the best in public schools.

The Eufaula City Schools system serves 2,800 students.
What to give: Because many teachers spend their own money on supplies, public donations of school and art supplies are always in high demand.
How to give:
In-kind: The central office is open from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The shipping address is 333 State Docks Road, Eufaula, AL 36027.
Monetary: Checks can be mailed to Eufaula City Schools, 333 State Docks Road, Eufaula, AL 36027. Funds can be used to pay for art and school supplies, field trips and other activities that students are unable to pay for with their own funds.
Contact: Mitzi Clayton, Parental Involvement and Information liaison, 334-687-1100, ext. 140 or
Friends of Ivan K. Hill Park (Winfield)
About: Their mission is to enrich the lives of Winfield residents by providing safe, welcoming park and recreation facilities and affordable, diverse recreation and human services for all ages to play, learn, contemplate, build community and be good stewards of the environment.
For more information, please visit the Ivan K. Hill Recreational Park.
What to give: They are able to accept money as well as the following types of donations: sports equipment, park and ball field maintenance equipment, playground equipment and bingo prizes for the senior citizens program. They welcome volunteers who can provide labor for park improvements or who can lead community activities such as painting or exercise classes for seniors or an after-school or summer program for children.
How to give: Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 400 Community St., Winfield, AL 35594. This is also the shipping address.
Contact: Gina Bryant, 205-487-6710.
Gadsden Cultural Arts Foundation

Beautifully decorated Christmas trees courtesy of the Gadsden Cultural Arts Foundation.
About: The Gadsden Cultural Arts Foundation is a hub of community education. It enriches lives, supports artistic and cultural progress, affirms individual value and dignity, and promotes a sense of well-being for all people.
What to give: They are able to accept monetary donations.
How to give: You can make a secure donation online or mail or drop off a donation at 501 Broad St., Gadsden, AL 35901 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Contact: Bobby Welch, 256-543-2787 ext. 26 or
Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Alabama (Guin)
About: Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Alabama’s mission is to eliminate substandard housing in northwest Alabama (Fayette, Franklin, Lamar, Marion and Winston counties) and to make simple, decent, affordable housing a matter of conscience for all. Their vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
What to give: They accept money and in-kind donations such as tools needed for home builds and projects, and food, bottled water and sports drinks for volunteers working on projects.
How to give:
In-kind: Donations may be mailed to 421 County Highway 83, Guin, AL 35563 or delivered during office hours Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact the office at 205-468-2900 prior to personal delivery of donations to assure staff will be on site.
Monetary: Monetary gifts can be made online or mailed to P.O. Box 160, Guin, AL 35563.
Contact: Teressa Clark, 205-468-2900 or

The Joseph F. Weldy Home for Children
Joseph F. Weldy Home for Children (Winfield)
About: Weldy Home provides a loving, nurturing and safe home for abandoned, abused and neglected females ages 6 to 18 in Marion, Lamar, Fayette, Winston and Franklin counties.
What to give: They are able to accept money and girls’ clothing, canned goods, paper products, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products and used vehicles.
How to give: Ship or drop off donations at the Weldy Home: 13271 Highway 171 N., Winfield, AL 35594.
Contact: Tina Prescott, executive director and social worker, 205-487-2265.
Lifelines Counseling Services (Mobile)
About: Lifelines Counseling Services’ mission is to help individuals live more productive lives through counseling, assistance, referrals and education. Lifelines is the community expert in building strong, healthy families; parenting successful children, teens and young adults; coping with stress of daily living in each stage of life; and supporting seniors.
What to give: They accept money, fundraiser sponsorships and donations of office supplies (such as paper, pens and folders), and craft supplies (such as journals, markers and construction paper).
If purchasing holiday gifts through Amazon this season, please do so through Amazon Smile and choose the Family Counseling Center of Mobile. A portion of the money you spend will be donated to Lifelines.
How to give:
In-kind: Donations can be dropped off or mailed to 705 Oak Circle Drive, Mobile, AL 36609 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monetary: Mail a donation or make one in person at 705 Oak Circle Drive, Mobile, AL 36609. You can also make a donation online.
Contact: Sarah Bumgarner, 251-602-0909 ext. 320,
McKemie Place (Mobile)
About: McKemie Place is the only emergency overnight shelter for unaccompanied, homeless women in Mobile, Baldwin, and Washington counties. Its focus is to facilitate access to resources and offer counseling, education, employment, personal care and spiritual encouragement.
What to give: A complete list of needed donations can be found online or by checking their Facebook page on “Wishlist Wednesday.” Each Wednesday, they list the shelter’s most urgent needs. Any other donated item, such as clothing or housewares, should be donated to any Goodwill location using a “Good Samaritan” form. This way, the volunteer receives a tax deduction and McKemie Place receives vouchers that its guests can use to purchase whatever they need.
How to give:
In-kind: Donations may be dropped off at the shelter Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call 251-432-1122 to make arrangements to drop off donated goods at another time.
Monetary: Checks made payable to McKemie Place can be mailed to P.O. Box 9082, Mobile, AL 36691, or contributions can be made securely online.
Contact: Jessica James, executive director ( or Sara Sills, assistant director (
Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless (Montgomery)
About: The vision of the Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless (MACH) is to be the leader in a community effort to plan, coordinate and develop resources with the goal of ending homelessness in Montgomery, Autauga, Bullock, Elmore and Lowndes counties. MACH offers street outreach to the homeless and provides rapid re-housing. MACH coordinates services and funding among area shelters and homeless service providers, hosting two events each year: a blanket drive and the River Region Connects fair.
What to give: MACH can always use donations of blankets, clothing and hygiene items.
Monetary donations assist in breaking the cycle of homelessness and accessing a safe place to sleep for an individual or family. Any amount is appreciated:
$10 purchases a hygiene kit for a person living on the street or under a bridge
$25 purchases a state ID for a homeless person to use to access services
$50 purchases a bus pass for a homeless person seeking employment
$100 supports the daily activities of the street outreach worker
$500 supports our work to coordinate services among area agencies.
How to give:
In-kind: Call the office at 334-261-6182 to schedule a time to drop off a donation. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Monetary: Donations can be made through MACH’s website or by mailing a check to MACH, 101 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36109.

Red Mountain Theatre Company’s Mary Poppins
Contact: Call 334-261-6182.
Mulherin Home (Mobile)
About: The mission of Mulherin Home is to provide 24-hour custodial care for people with mental and physical disabilities in a home-like atmosphere with emphasis on quality of life.
What to give: Mulherin Home accepts donations of canned goods, clothing and more. View the complete wish list online. They also accept monetary donations.
How to give:
In-kind: Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or mailed to: Mulherin Custodial Home, 2496 Halls Mill Road, Mobile, AL 36606.
Monetary: Donations in the form of checks, cash and money order are accepted. For a credit card donation, go through PayPal.
Contact: Jamie Yerby, 251-471-1998 or

Red Mountain Theatre Company provides kids with training courtesy of Dale Serrano Dance Studios.
Red Mountain Theatre Company (Birmingham)
About: Red Mountain Theatre Company’s mission is to create powerful experiences that enrich, educate and engage audiences – nourishing the human spirit, fostering valuable life skills and cultivating a deeper sense of community.
What to give: They accept monetary donations.
How to give: Make a donation by using the online giving portal or mail checks to RMTC, P.O. Box 278, Birmingham, AL 35201.
Contact: Jennifer Jaquess, managing director, 205-324-2424 or
Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama (Mobile, Foley)
About: The Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama has been providing services to the needy in the coastal communities of Alabama since 1886. The programs are managed by certified and degreed professionals who are dedicated to helping the less fortunate.
What to give: They are able to accept donations of clothing and canned food year-round, and during the winter there is a great demand for coats, hats and gloves.
How to give:
In-kind: At the Moffat Road and Foley locations, drop-off hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. At the Area Command at 1009 Dauphin St., they accept items 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Monetary: Donate by cash, check or credit card. Mail a check or deliver a monetary donation to 1009 Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 36604 or donate online.
Contact: Patricia Finkbohner, director of Development, 251-438-1625 or
Shelby County Arts Council (Columbiana)

The Shelby County Arts Council has promoted visual and performing arts since 2005.
About: The Shelby County Arts Council has promoted visual and performing arts since 2005, serving more than 10,000 children and adults in education programs.
What to give: Become a member or donate directly to a program. They suggest funding the award-winning “Writing Our Stories” program that brings published poets and writers to at-risk middle school students free of charge. For details, call 205-669-0044.
How to give: Mail checks to SCAC, P.O. Box 624, Columbiana, AL 35051. Make a secure donation online.
Contact: Bruce Andrews, executive director, or Sandra Annonio, administrator, 205-669-0044.
United Way of East-Central Alabama’s Success by 6 (Gadsden)
About: Success by 6‘s mission is to ensure that all children in Etowah County, by age 6, have the physical, emotional, social and mental foundations to succeed in school and in life. They focus on school readiness by providing programs to child care facilities and schools.
What to give: They accept money, baby items and new or gently used books.
How to give:
In-kind: Donations can be dropped off at United Way between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at 605 South Fourth St., Gadsden, AL 35901.
Monetary: Monetary donations can be mailed to 605 South Fourth St., Gadsden, AL 35901.
Contact: Emily Sims, Success By 6 director, 256-547-2581 or

A “thank you” from young participants in the United Way of East-Central Alabama’s Success by 6 program.
Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging (Dothan)
About: Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging (SARCOA) serves the seniors of Barbour, Coffee, Covington, Dale, Geneva, Henry and Houston counties. SARCOA is a vibrant and dynamic organization continually seeking ways to better serve the rapidly growing senior population through planning, coordinating and developing community levels of service.
Currently they are collecting for their Santa for Seniors program, a grassroots volunteer project to bring Christmas joy to Wiregrass seniors who need basic items for everyday living.
What to give: They accept money and various specific items, a list of which can be found online.
How to give:
In-kind: Bring in-kind donations to the former National Guard Armory, 597 Westgate Parkway, Dothan, AL 36303 on one of the following collection dates: Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monetary: Monetary donations can be made through SARCOA’s PayPal portal or delivered to their office.
Contact: If you have questions, please call 334-793-6843.
Village Creek Human and Environmental Justice Society (Birmingham)
About: Village Creek Human and Environmental Justice Society’s mission is to improve the Village Creek environment for its entire length of 44 miles to benefit 300,000 or more residents, businesses, schools and churches in its watershed.
What to give: In addition to monetary donations, Village Creek Society welcomes donations of time volunteering as a teacher at an event or offering grant-writing assistance.
How to give: Make a secure donation through PayPal by visiting their website. Mail a monetary donation to Village Creek Human and Environmental Justice Society Inc., 1329 Forestdale Blvd. Suite 202, Birmingham, AL 35214.
Contact: Yohance Owens, executive director, at 205-798-0087.

YMCA of Calhoun County
YMCA of Calhoun County (Oxford and Anniston)
About: The YMCA of Calhoun County is a powerful association of men, women and children committed to bringing about lasting personal and social change. With a focus on nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving the nation’s health and well-being, and providing opportunities to give back to and support neighbors, the Y enables youths, adults, families and communities to be healthy, confident, connected and secure.
What to give: Any funds donated on Giving Tuesday go toward the scholarship fund, assisting those in need in Calhoun County who would not otherwise be able to afford YMCA programs, including After School Academy, School’s Out Fun Days, swim lessons and youth sports. They accept donations of canned goods and nonperishable food items throughout December to donate to local food banks.
How to give: Make a monetary donation online, by mailing a check with “Giving Tuesday” in memo to YMCA of Calhoun County, P.O. Box 1649, Anniston, AL 36202, or in person at either branch: Downtown Anniston YMCA, 29 W. 14th St., Anniston, AL, 36201 or Oxford YMCA, 1714 Quintard Ave., Oxford, AL, 36203. Canned goods and nonperishable food items for local food banks may be dropped off at either branch.
Contact: Angie Watkins or Maggie Burn Owens, 256-238-YMCA (256-238-9622).