Cyclists gear up for The Dam Ride

Lay Dam is the first stop for cyclists on the destination for the inaugural ride.
Cyclists seeking a unique challenge are invited to join the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Alabama Power ‘Power Pedalers’ team for The Dam Ride, an inaugural training ride for Bike MS.
Friday, cyclists will ride 75 miles from Alabama Power Headquarters downtown to the Lay Dam before spending the night in the Dam house. After the ride, cyclists can enjoy boat rides, corn hole, bon fires and an Italian dinner. Saturday, cyclists can choose from three ride options: a 35 mile loop to Mitchell Dam, a 75 mile route back to Birmingham or both. The National MS Society will provide support and gear vehicles along all route options as well as all meals.
“We want to thank Alabama Power and the Power Pedalers for making this possible,” said Jennifer Ely, Director of Development for the Alabama-Mississippi Chapter of the National MS Society. “This is going to be an incredible experience for our cyclists to ride through some of Alabama’s most beautiful areas and such a fun way to get ready for Bike MS.”
The Dam Ride is a training ride to prepare cyclists for the Alabama-Mississippi Chapter’s three Bike MS events: Bike MS: Rocket to the Shoals (June 4-5 in Athens, Ala.), Bike MS: Tour de Beach (Sept. 17-18 in Orange Beach, Ala.) and Bike MS: Mississippi 150 (Oct. 8-9 along the Natchez Trace). There is no cost for cyclists registered for any Bike MS event to participate in the Dam Ride.
Bike MS, hosted by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, is the premier fundraising cycling series in the U.S. for anyone seeking a personal challenge and a world free of multiple sclerosis. All participants have access to bike mechanics, support vehicles, rest stops, a finish line celebration and much more.
The largest fundraising cycling series in the country, Bike MS includes people living with MS, their friends, families and neighbors, as well as corporate teams and individuals who are driven to support critical research and life-changing services to help people with MS live their best lives.
To learn more about Bike MS or to register for any of the Chapter’s rides, visit