Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport adding electric chargers for ground-support vehicles

The Birmingham Airport Authority (BAA) is moving forward on a project to install 27 electric charging stations to support ground-service equipment at the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM). The charging stations and supporting infrastructure will be located on concourse A and C.
The BAA has partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Alabama Power, Delta Airlines and Southwest Airlines to provide these charging stations at BHM. Both airlines have committed to replace select diesel powered ground service equipment with electric equipment. Alabama Power is partnering with the airlines to help them replace their diesel powered equipment with electric equipment.
The project is funded in part by the FAA through the Voluntary Airport Low Emission (VALE) program. The program supports sustainable projects that help reduce emissions at airports. This is the third VALE project the BAA has received in the last four years.
“This project supports the airport’s long term goal of being an environmentally friendly airport. We are grateful to the aforementioned partners for bringing this project to fruition,” said Alfonso Denson, President and CEO.