Published On: 07.14.16 | 

By: Brittany Dunn

Jeremy Towns brings Next Level Football Camp to Birmingham

It can be hard to reach youth today. It helps if you’re a couple of NFL stars.

Former Buffalo Bills defensive tackle Jeremy Towns and Kansas City Chiefs defensive end Nick Williams aim to do just that with the Next Level Football Camp in Birmingham Friday. The duo played together at Samford University before heading to successful stints in the National Football League.

The camp teaches kids football techniques but also character – elevating their game as well as their everyday lives.

Next Level Football Camp will be at Legion Field Friday, July 15, at 9 a.m. Registration starts at 8 a.m. The camp includes breakfast, lunch and a T-shirt. For more information contact the City of Birmingham Mayor’s Office Division of Youth Services at 205-320-0879 or at 1608 Seventh Ave. North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203.

Jeremy Towns and Next Level Football Camp come to Birmingham from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.