Published On: 12.30.16 | 

By: Alabama News Center Staff

Best of Alabama NewsCenter 2016: 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die


Best of the best dishes based on your interest. (file)

As 2016 draws to an end, it’s a great time to take a look back at some of the good news of the past year. Throughout these final days of the year, Alabama NewsCenter will share stories you responded to the most in various categories, along with one we think deserved more attention.

Armed with the Alabama Tourism Department’s list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die and an appetite, videographer Chad Allen traveled the state, sharing the stories behind the dishes on the list from those who make them. Lots of love and a little Alabama flavor seemed to be the common ingredients.

Here are the Top 5 Alabama NewsCenter 100 Dishes stories for 2016:

    • When you’ve been in business for nearly 110 years, you’re obviously doing something right. What the Bright Star in Bessemer does right is seafood with New Orleans flair. Its broiled seafood platter is something it has perfected over many years.
    • If the Tourism Department is going to put ribs on its 100 Dishes list, they must be something special. The ribs at Cooter Brown’s Rib Shack in Jacksonville come with sauce on the side, but you won’t need it. The dry rub is what’s special here and what separates it from other ribs that have earned big followings in the state.

Editor’s choice:

Our Place Café in Wetumpka has built a strong reputation over the past two decades and its crab cakes are a part of that prestige.