Published On: 05.15.17 | 

By: Anna Catherine Roberson

Alabama Power lineman Matt Collins: ‘I wouldn’t rather work anywhere else in this world’

Matt Collins feature

It’s a job that often requires long hours, in all kind of weather, and the work is potentially dangerous. But Alabama Power lineman Matt Collins can’t think of doing anything else.

Based in Tuscaloosa, Collins has been with the company for three years. He said the toughest part of the job is often being away from family – Collins and his wife are expecting their first child in June.

Alabama Power lineman Matt Collins finds joy in serving others from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

But Collins said the work is also tremendously rewarding: especially when he and his fellow crew members are helping people in an hour of need – getting their lights back on after storms or natural disasters.

Sometimes, putting the lights back on takes Collins far from home. Alabama Power crews are often called to assist other utilities in neighboring or even distant states, after their systems suffer significant damage from major storms. That’s because Alabama Power crews are experienced in working all kinds of storms, from ice, to straight line winds, to hurricanes and tornadoes.

Collins said he appreciates that the company’s top priority is safety, providing crews with the best equipment and protective gear, and training. He said many people may not understand that everyone on the crew, during every job, has specific duties, whether they are high up in a bucket truck, or down on the ground, carefully observing others on the crew to ensure everyone is working safely.

His very best moment as an Alabama Power lineman? It involved a sweet, middle-of-the-night encounter with a grateful child. Hear him recount the story in the above video.


In the weeks leading up to Alabama Lineman Appreciation Day June 5, Alabama NewsCenter is spotlighting Alabama Power linemen and honors all linemen who serve companies, communities and customers all across the state and are often called upon to aid other states.