Tuscaloosa’s Taylor Demonbreun is out to conquer the world – and she’s already started

Taylor Demonbreun gets some love from her parents, David and Paula, before setting off on her trek around the globe. (Karim Shamsi-Basha/Alabama NewsCenter)
There are almost 200 countries on this little planet we call Earth. For one 22-year-old Tuscaloosa woman, visiting every one of those countries has moved from a dream to a goal in progress.
Taylor Demonbreun landed Tuesday in the Dominican Republic in her attempt to break the Guinness world record of visiting every country in less than 400 days.
“I’m about to set off on a trip around the world,’’ Demonbreun said.
Tuscaloosa’s Taylor Demonbreun begins trek to visit all 197 countries in record time from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.
Demonbreun attended Vanderbilt University and spent a semester in Europe that got her addicted to travel. She hopes her trip will encourage people not to be afraid of visiting foreign countries.
“I hope my trip will inspire others, women in particular, that there is nothing they can’t do,’’ Demonbreun said. “If I just inspire one person to travel and make a difference in their lives, that would mean the world to me.”
Demonbreun spent a few months planning the trip and getting sponsors to help her with the cost. It is still a work in progress, and she will be blogging and updating her status as she goes. A television network is interested in doing a show on her travels.
“Through my website, I’m keeping information on everything I’ll be doing, where I’m staying, what I’m eating, and tips and other information,” Demonbreun said.
Most countries will be easy to get in and out of, but she knows that won’t be the case for a few.
“Syria, Libya, Yemen and a few other countries will be challenging, but all I have to do is make it to the airport. I don’t have to stay in every country. I also have to go to North Korea, but It’s easier for American citizens to go now. There are guided tours; you just have to make sure not to do anything stupid,” Demonbreun said.
Her mom and dad, Paula and David, are concerned but believe in their daughter. They helped her obtain funding for the trip and are working on details as she moves from one continent to the next.
“She’s always wanted to travel,” David Demonbreun said. “We couldn’t stop her, so we are trying to help her achieve her goal. I just want my little girl back safe.”
For Taylor Demonbreun, the next 400 days will be full of adventure, risk, excitement, street food, strange customs and a picture-worthy site or two million. She has a good idea what to do when she returns.
“When I come back, I want to work in the travel industry. It’s something I’m passionate about,” Demonbreun said. “Hopefully, I can use the experiences I have to work in an industry I love.”
To know where Demonbreun is and to read about her adventures, visit trekwithtaylor.com. To help with travel costs, visit gofundme.com/trek-with-taylor.