Published On: 02.21.18 | 

By: Keisa Sharpe

Gracie Bell’s work lives on through her inspired quilting

Although Gracie M. Bell, quilter, recently died, her work lives on to tell important lessons in African-American history. (Chad Allen/Alabama NewsCenter)

As we continue our Black History Month Living History series, Mrs. Gracie M. Bell not only lived to share history, but she lived to preserve history too. Through quilting, Bell stitched special codes that once led slaves to freedom.

Gracie M. Bell not only loved knitting quilts, it was a gift she cultivated at a young age. But for Gracie, quilting wasn’t just a hobby.

Everyone has a story to tell and Mrs. Bell told hers as she lived and wove tapestry into history.

Earlier this month, Bell passed away after suffering a stroke, but she leaves her mark through her carefully stitched coverings.

Gracie Bell unveils the quilt code from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

*Alabama NewsCenter will feature Living History profiles each Wednesday in February, sharing stories of those individuals who’ve committed their lives to helping others succeed.

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