Published On: 04.05.19 | 

By: Marc Rice

Alabama Power and Bishop State partner to create lineman training program

Bishop State MOU Signing April 4, 2019

Bishop State Community College and Alabama Power signed an agreement for a lineman training program. (Mike Kittrell / Alabama NewsCenter)

One of Alabama’s greatest challenges is to continue developing a workforce that is well-trained and prepared for good jobs. Under an agreement signed in Mobile on Thursday, another path forward will be opened.

Alabama Power and Bishop State Community College have agreed to be partners in offering a training program for potential electric utility linemen.

The program, to be housed at a building to be renovated on the college’s Southwest campus in Mobile, will include three classrooms as well as a learning laboratory and an outdoor hands-on learning area where linemen can hone their skills.

The purpose of the center is to prepare students across Alabama communities to work as linemen. Students can learn the fundamentals of electricity as well as the math and science knowledge needed to work on power lines. As with any endeavor at Alabama Power, there will also be an emphasis on working safely.

“We are thrilled that this training center is coming to Bishop State,” said college President Reginald Sykes. “This is yet another example of Bishop State providing workforce training for the Mobile County area.”

“We are excited to partner with Bishop State to provide a facility where Alabamians can train for good, safe jobs in our industry,” said Jeff Peoples, Alabama Power senior vice president of Employee Services and Labor Relations.

“Helping ensure our state’s workforce is prepared to succeed today and in the economy of the future is an important way we seek to elevate Alabama.”

The 10-week program is set to begin next year. Up to 20 students will be accepted.

Potential students who want to learn more about the program should contact Bishop State Workforce Development Specialist A.J. Greggs at 251-405-7082 or

In addition, in agreement with Bishop State, Alabama Power will utilize this renovated training space for its incumbent employee training, which brings new technical training to southern Alabama.

Bishop State is an accredited, state-supported, open-admission college providing a quality and affordable education for its students. Its mission is to equip its academic and technical students with the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce and succeed.