On this day in Alabama history: Alabama Forestry Association was founded

The Alabama River Pulp Company and the Claiborne Mill Complex, Claiborne, 2010. (The George F. Landegger Collection of Alabama Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division)
May 6, 1949
The Alabama Forestry Association (AFA) was founded on this day in Montgomery by a group whose membership was mostly sawmill owners. Originally named the Alabama Forest Products Association, the nonprofit became the Alabama Forestry Association on Feb. 2, 1972. At first, pulp and paper companies were not a membership category in the association. When paper companies began buying wood chips and biomass to generate electricity in wood-fired boilers for mill operations, the association broadened the charter to include all businesses or people involved in any kind of forest products. Alabama’s 23 million acres of timberland is the second largest timberland base in the United States. The forest products industry accounted for 26,000 jobs and $1.3 billion in exports in 2016, according to Made in Alabama.
Read more at Encyclopedia of Alabama.

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