On this day in Alabama history: Alabama became the 22nd U.S. state

Alabama State House Capitol, Montgomery. (Getty Images)
December 14, 1819
Alabama celebrates its 200th birthday today, having been granted statehood on this day in 1819. The transition from territory to statehood began in July 1819 with a constitutional convention in Huntsville. What is now Alabama was part of the Mississippi Territory from April 1798 to March 1817, when Congress created the Alabama Territory out of the eastern half of the Mississippi Territory. A three-year effort to commemorate Alabama’s bicentennial culminates today in Montgomery beginning with a 10 a.m. parade of Alabama people, places and history. The day’s celebration includes the official dedication of Alabama Bicentennial Park at the foot of the State Capitol on Dexter Avenue, featuring 16 bronze plaques mounted on Alabama granite bases; the Alabama Bicentennial Festival, featuring live music, historical re-enactors, arts and crafts demonstrations, family activities and more; and a concert featuring popular musicians from Alabama.
Read more at Encyclopedia of Alabama.

For more on Alabama’s Bicentennial, visit Alabama 200.