Summer outings start with Can’t Miss Alabama

Keep your blankets, chairs and other outdoor gear handy for summer fun. (Getty Images)
Outdoor festivities and virtual events to enjoy all summer long.
Legends in Concert in Foley
Legends in Concert is being featured in downtown OWA through Sunday, Sept. 6, at the state-of-the-art OWA Theater, each Tuesday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and with matinee performances Saturday and Sunday at 4 p.m. Legends in Concert is the longest-running show in Las Vegas history. The show has been presented in 16 countries on five continents to more than 30 million people worldwide. Fans will experience Katie Murdock’s portrayal of the Princess of Pop, Britney Spears, and the stunning dance moves and vocals of “Man in the Mirror” J. Lucas as he pays homage to Michael Jackson. Elvis Presley also returns in the performance of hunk of “Burnin’ Love” Leo Days. Performers are subject to change without notice. To learn more and for ticket information, go here. Follow this link for other live shows and performances.
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
After a three-month closure, Birmingham Botanical Gardens has reopened. For more than 55 years, it has been a cherished place of respite for visitors from the community and around the world. The gardens are open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day, with access limited to the front entrance gates. Visitors are encouraged to practice social distancing. Face masks are required when interacting with others in the gardens and for entering the Garden Center. Follow this link for events. For more information and guidelines for visiting safely, click here.
Alabama Symphony Orchestra
Stay connected with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra (ASO) while physically isolating and social distancing. Enjoy ASO-approved music education resources from friends of the ASO, such as the New York Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall and more. These classroom quick links are perfect for students studying classical music and orchestral repertoire. The resources can be found here. Visit the website for more information:
Birmingham Museum of Art
Need an art fix? Whether you want to learn something new, create something great or explore interesting art, keep those creative juices flowing at #BMAfromHome. During these challenging times, the Birmingham Museum of Art (BMA) is more dedicated than ever to connecting communities to the experience, meaning and joy of art. BMA from Home will empower visitors to learn, create and explore during the time the museum is closed to the public. Donations are welcomed. Follow and interact with BMA on the website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Bellingrath Gardens and Home
Bellingrath Gardens and Home’s Wonderful Wednesdays series is underway through July 29. Program topics include gardening, history and the collections in the Bellingrath Home. To register for a program, call 251-459-8868. The full schedule is listed on Employees will continue to follow pandemic safety guidelines and procedures recommended by government and health officials. These guidelines include social distancing of at least 6 feet; hand sanitizer stations in all buildings; protective shields in the buildings; masks for employees who interact with the public, and hourly cleanings of restrooms, door handles and other surfaces. Guests are welcome to bring their own masks and hand sanitizer. Details about the safety precautions are available on the website. The horticulture staff has worked diligently to update and enhance the 65-acre estate during the weeks that the property has been closed to the public. Bellingrath Gardens and Home is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the garden and estate home of Walter and Bessie Bellingrath. To learn more, visit or call 251-973-2217.
Chef Clayton Sherrod at the Market at Pepper Place Saturday
The Market at Pepper Place is featuring Clayton Sherrod as Chef of the Week. A certified executive chef and leader in the Birmingham food and education community, Sherrod has been consulting and helping build the Culinary Arts Program at Lawson State Community College since it launched its growth initiative in 2013. In addition to advising and teaching culinary arts at Lawson, he teaches cooking classes to residents of the Birmingham Housing Authority. Sherrod has a longtime relationship with the Market at Pepper Place, and has hosted cooking demonstrations as guest chef since the market began 20 years ago. He was featured in “Know Thy Farmer,” the market’s book tribute to Alabama growers, chefs and shoppers. Sherrod will offer a meal and a dessert, priced separately: Cajun Shrimp with Holy Trinity (bell pepper, celery and onion), Wilsonville Stone-Ground Grits, Crispy Kale with Freshly Shaved Parmesan, Cajun Seasoned Breadcrisps ($15) and Chilton County Peach Cobbler topped with Moonshine Lemonade Ice Cream Sauce ($8 each). The “to-go” dishes are single-serving size and available for preorder/pay through the market’s online shop, Monday at 9 a.m. through Thursday at 6 p.m. Customers can pick up their orders at the contactless Drive-Thru Market Saturday, July 11, between 7 a.m. and noon. Proceeds will be donated to the Lawson State Culinary Arts Program. Donations are welcomed. For more information, call 205-705-6886. Customers are required to wear a face mask while at the market. The venue is at 2807 Second Ave. S. in Birmingham.
Shelby County Arts Council
Enjoy the Shelby County Arts Council (SCAS) free live stream performances from the Black Box Theatre on the SCAC Youtube channel. For the complete lineup, click here. Follow this link for upcoming events. For donations and memberships, go here. To learn more, visit or follow along on Facebook and Instagram.
Alabama Adventure Amusement Park and Splash Adventure Water Park open
Alabama Adventure Amusement Park and Splash Adventure Water Park are open. Park hours are Friday and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Operating dates and hours are subject to change without notice. The complete operating calendar is here. Front gate ticket sales will be limited if capacity is reached. Season pass sales will be limited to 50% of capacity. There will be regular disinfecting of frequently used items and surfaces. These common surfaces include (but are not limited to) lounge chairs, touch screens, picnic tables, benches, water fountains, tubes, life jackets, trash cans, rides, vehicles and restraints, queue rails, sunscreen and hand sanitizer stations. Social distancing guidelines for the parks are here. For questions, message For tickets and season passes, visit
Lyric and Alabama Theatres
The Alabama and Lyric Theatres depend on events for income but the COVID-19 pandemic has jeopardized the future of the historic venues. Donations are needed now more than ever to make sure these Birmingham Landmarks survive this crisis. Use this link to make a donation.
Alabama Shakespeare Festival continues to Play On!
With audiences and artists separated from live performing arts by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Play On! allows the Alabama Shakespeare Festival (ASF) to advance its mission to create transformative theatrical programming in the wake of canceled and postponed productions. ASF recently commissioned 22 Southern playwrights to create original pieces on the theme of “home.” The playwrights collaborated with actors from around the country to bring new works to life. View all 22 monologues free of charge and learn more about Play On! by clicking here.
Six Flags Over Georgia
Six Flags Over Georgia and the Water Park are open. In addition to family rides, kids’ rides and water park rides, visitors may enjoy concerts, shows and food throughout the season. More than 50 benefits of admission include preferred parking and up to 50% off almost everything. Visitors including pass holders and members must make advance reservations before visiting. Learn more here.
Eat in the Streets
The city of Birmingham will launch the “Eat in the Streets’’ pilot program July 9-11, from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. in Avondale. The pilot program will expand restaurant dining spaces outdoors on a closed portion of 41st Street South to promote social distancing. Forty-First Street South will be closed between First Avenue South and Third Avenue South. Because this is a pilot program, the city will evaluate the first event to determine if and where future events will be held. Participating venues will include Avondale Common House, Saw’s Soul Kitchen, Post Office Pies, Avondale Brewing, Luna, 41st Street Pub, Satellite and Travis’ Food Truck. Volunteers will assist in monitoring and reminding participants to social distance and wear face coverings. Attendees must wear face coverings except for when they are eating or drinking. Customers may also place take-out orders. For more information, call 205-520-4581.
Trussville’s Movie on the Mall
Take your blankets and chairs to the historic mall in Trussville for a free family movie night. The movie will begin Saturday, July 11, at 8 p.m., but make plans to come early and hang out at the mall. Disney’s “Aladdin” will be shown. Follow the event on Facebook. The Trussville Mall is at 360 N. Chalkville Road.