The steaks at this restaurant are on the list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama
Diamond Jim's and Mrs. Donna's in Livingston takes pride in their steaks, which helped land them on the list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama. (contributed)
There are still restaurants that believe in doing things fresh and are always seeking to improve.
Such a place is Diamond Jim’s & Mrs. Donna’s in Livingston where they hand-cut their own steaks and batter and fry their own mushrooms.
Steaks at Diamond Jim’s & Mrs. Donna’s on list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.
“We do it on an old-fashioned charcoal grill. You know, cook it just like you would at home,” co-owner Jim Dial said about the restaurant’s steaks. “I don’t know if you can cook one as good as we can.”
The Alabama Tourism Department believes the steaks at Diamond Jim’s & Mrs. Donna’s are hard to beat and has included them on their list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama.
Diamond Jim’s and Mrs. Donna’s is known for its fresh and delicious food. (contributed)