People of Alabama: Fisher Fuller of Satsuma

Fisher Fuller is a state bowling champ but is still undecided about his future career. (Tamika Moore / People of Alabama)
What is something people couldn’t guess about you just by looking at you?
“Definitely bowling. I was the individual state champion 1A-5A in bowling this year. Just looking at me, you’d be like, ‘Oh, he bowls?’ I started off playing basketball and baseball. My dad ended up getting the bowling coach job at Satsuma High School. I was like, ‘You know what, let’s try it out.’ I started picking it up and getting better and then I eventually won the state championship. Then I got a scholarship to bowl for Spring Hill. It teaches leadership and team building. In bowling, you have 10 frames. If you’re bowling as a team, you get two frames apiece. Let’s say you miss a spare, you can always count on your teammates to pick you up and help the score out and continue the game without having to get down on yourself. We build on each other.” – Fisher Fuller, 18, of Satsuma
He’s a senior at Satsuma High School. He’d love to meet bowler Jason Belmonte.

Fisher Fuller would like to see people be nice to one another. (Tamika Moore / People of Alabama)
Fuller is undecided on what he wants to do for a career but is considering marine biology. If he could make one rule that everyone had to follow, it’d be pretty simple.
“Definitely be nicer to other people. You don’t know what they’re going through.”
These are the faces and stories of people from all walks of life who call Alabama home. People of Alabama is a Red Clay Media and Alabama News Center partnership.