Follow these cold weather safety tips as frigid air takes hold in Alabama

These most vulnerable populations need to take precautions during cold weather. (NOAA)
As many of you already know, we have some downright frigid air that began arriving in Alabama on Sunday! We thought it would be a good idea to briefly recap the cold weather tips we discussed during winter weather awareness week.
Cold temperatures can result in frostbite on exposed skin as well as hypothermia with prolonged exposure. If possible, stay indoors in a heated place. If you are spending time outdoors, be sure to dress appropriately and in layers. Be sure to also check on our vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and unhoused, as well as those who are ill. They are much more susceptible to cold weather and its impacts. And remember to never leave pets outdoors unattended during cold weather spells like this. If it’s too cold for you, it’s definitely too cold for them.
Another thing to be mindful of is the potential for bursting water pipes. Be sure to shut off outdoor water systems such as sprinklers to lower the risk of them rupturing, and wrap exposed pipes in towels or blankets as a precaution. You can also allow a small trickle of water to occur during the extreme cold as that can help reduce the chances of damage to the pipes.
For more weather news and information from Jack Rudden and the rest of the James Spann team, visit