Alabama’s sales tax holiday this weekend is opportunity to save on school supplies and moreNancy King Dennis / Alabama Retailer2024-07-18T10:25:18-05:0007.18.24|Community, Local Business|
Attention Alabamians: This weekend’s tax holiday goes way beyond school suppliesAlabama News Center Staff2023-07-19T11:23:16-05:0007.19.23|Business, Local Business|
Alabama sales tax holiday is meant to spur preparednessIke Pigott2021-02-24T17:07:38-06:0002.25.21|Weather|
Alabama’s pre-school sales tax holiday takes on extra significance during pandemicMichael Sznajderman2020-07-16T17:02:06-05:0007.16.20|Business|
Alabama’s annual sales tax holiday starts FridayPhil Pierce2019-07-18T09:47:02-05:0007.18.19|Business|