Having a happy holiday with Dr. Josh: Coping with griefDonna Cope2017-12-17T20:25:01-06:0012.18.17|Community|
Dr. Josh: Here’s help for when the disaster lingersJosh Klapow2017-09-01T14:12:09-05:0009.01.17|Community|
Dr. Josh Klapow: What to say to your kids when severe weather strikesJosh Klapow2017-04-05T12:12:24-05:0004.05.17|Community|
Dr. Josh Klapow: Doing New Year’s resolutions rightJosh Klapow2016-12-30T09:58:48-06:0012.31.16|Community|
Take Action: Dr. Josh offers tips to make your New Year’s resolutions stickAlabama News Center Staff2016-12-28T09:59:02-06:0012.28.16|Community, Video|
Take Action: Dr. Josh offers tips to remain safe during the holidayAlabama News Center Staff2016-12-14T11:35:41-06:0012.14.16|Community, Video|
This year, presidential election could add a challenge for the holidaysJosh Klapow2016-11-18T08:48:20-06:0011.21.16|Community|
Take Action: Make doctor’s office waiting less grating with these tips from Dr. JoshAlabama News Center Staff2016-11-02T09:49:07-05:0011.02.16|Community, Video|
Haunted houses, ghost walks, hearse rides, CREEPS and moreAlabama News Center Staff2016-10-31T17:40:23-05:0010.31.16|Community, Video|
Take Action: Halloween candy can be a treat with these Dr. Josh Klapow tricksAlabama News Center Staff2016-10-26T09:24:17-05:0010.26.16|Community, Video|
Take Action: Follow these tips from Dr. Josh Klapow to keep from over-indulging while tailgatingAlabama News Center Staff2016-10-25T18:06:34-05:0010.19.16|Community, Video|
Overscheduling activities can cause burnout for children and parentsAlicia Rohan2016-09-08T09:17:35-05:0009.07.16|Innovation|