Alabama Power’s John Bowen makes his mark in engineering for 50 yearsCarla Davis2024-05-17T10:52:40-05:0005.20.24|Business|
Love of community fuels Alabama Power retiree’s desire to volunteer Donna Cope2023-12-22T13:11:33-06:0001.02.24|Community|
Power Moves: Pastor Delvick McKay breaks ground for new community center in Alabama’s WiregrassMichael Tomberlin2022-05-25T13:39:05-05:0005.25.22|Community|
Enterprise PD manager readies future employees while giving back to communityDonna Cope2022-03-28T10:11:54-05:0003.23.22|Community|
Southern Nuclear employees, nonprofits partner to make face masks for health care workers in Alabama and GeorgiaAlabama News Center Staff2020-05-08T13:15:08-05:0005.08.20|Community, Video|
Alabama Power’s Farley Nuclear Plant is always prepared for the unexpectedMichelle Tims2020-03-31T14:23:19-05:0003.31.20|Our Story|
Worlds of Work showcases career opportunities in Alabama’s WiregrassPhil Pierce2020-02-25T10:00:08-06:0002.25.20|Business, Video|
National Engineering Week Alabama Power Spotlight: Katrina HaynesAlabama News Center Staff2019-02-22T09:45:09-06:0002.22.19|Our Story|
Farley Nuclear Plant is Santa Claus to many in Alabama’s WiregrassMichael Tomberlin2018-12-19T11:11:49-06:0012.19.18|Our Story, Video|
Alabama’s Farley Nuclear Plant holds open house with emergency management officialsMichael Tomberlin2018-12-16T20:05:04-06:0012.16.18|Our Story, Video|
Alabama Power, state prepared for Hurricane MichaelMichael Sznajderman2018-10-10T09:23:08-05:0010.09.18|Weather|
Alabama’s Plant Farley gets high marks from federal regulators for safe, reliable operationLinda Brannon2018-04-16T10:05:26-05:0004.16.18|Our Story|