Efforts continue at Alabama Power’s Lake Mitchell to protect, expand rare woodpecker populationMichael Sznajderman2024-04-16T14:39:50-05:0004.17.24|Community, Video|
Alabama Power, state and federal environmental experts, coordinating efforts to protect endangered snailMichael Sznajderman2023-10-05T08:05:18-05:0010.04.23|Community, Stewardship|
Alabama Power’s Jeff Baker: A love for nature and a desire to pass it onAlabama News Center Staff2023-09-08T12:16:17-05:0009.05.23|Community, Stewardship|
Alabama Power helps a tiny turtle or two at Smith LakeMichael Sznajderman2022-08-26T11:28:16-05:0008.19.22|Community|
Alabama watersheds to benefit from recent environmental grantsMichael Sznajderman2021-12-06T11:18:13-06:0012.06.21|Community|
Scientists identify new home for rare, tiny rush darterMichael Sznajderman2021-04-13T10:38:29-05:0004.13.21|Community|
On 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Alabama Power focused on environmental stewardship, protecting natural resourcesPhil Pierce2020-04-22T09:40:02-05:0004.22.20|Our Story, Video|