Alabama Power Foundation gives $35,000 to 35 area food banks this holiday seasonJavacia Harris Bowser2024-12-19T11:54:30-06:0012.19.24|Community, Giving|
Madison County, Alabama A&M University, creating new community farm in HuntsvilleAlabama News Center Staff2024-04-11T14:48:45-05:0004.15.24|Community|
Alabama nonprofits Sozo Children and Grace Klein Community demonstrate the power of collaborationMichael Sznajderman2024-03-11T14:16:13-05:0003.11.24|Community|
Alabama Power Foundation supporting area food banks this holiday seasonAlabama News Center Staff2023-12-22T12:14:10-06:0012.22.23|Community|
Auburn University, University of Alabama students collect more than 1 million pounds of food to fight hungerAlabama News Center Staff2023-11-22T11:04:15-06:0011.25.23|Community|
Alabama Power Service Organization volunteers in Mobile are making a lasting impactAndrew Rhodes2023-08-14T13:55:11-05:0008.15.23|Community, Stewardship|
Community Enabler is an Alabama Bright Light in Calhoun CountyKarim Shamsi-Basha2021-07-30T16:34:14-05:0007.30.21|Community|
Magic City Harvest perishes the thought of perishable foodKarim Shamsi-Basha2017-09-25T16:25:13-05:0009.22.17|Community, Video|