Alabama author Patti Callahan Henry tackles a mystery with ‘The Secret Book of Flora Lea’Alec Harvey2023-04-26T14:35:55-05:0004.26.23|Community|
Alabama author Patti Callahan explores ‘Titanic of the South’ in ‘Surviving Savannah’Alec Harvey2021-03-08T10:20:45-06:0003.08.21|Community|
Alabama’s Patti Callahan Henry turns to historical fiction in new work about C.S. Lewis’ wifeAlec Harvey2018-09-30T08:16:12-05:0009.28.18|Community|
Patti Callahan Henry touches hearts and inspires spirits through writingKarim Shamsi-Basha2016-01-21T18:17:45-06:0001.22.16|Community, Video|