Teachers in Alabama STEM externship program take their workforce experiences back to the classroomAllanah Taylor2023-09-15T17:08:20-05:0009.18.23|Innovation|
Southwest Alabama economy to benefit from Austal USA, SSAB Americas dealAlabama News Center Staff2022-01-01T08:04:22-06:0001.03.22|Business|
Record year for foreign investment sparks growth in AlabamaPhil Pierce2019-08-07T11:28:25-05:0008.07.19|Business|
Best of Alabama NewsCenter 2017: Economic developmentAlabama News Center Staff2018-01-02T14:36:34-06:0001.02.18|Business, Video|
SSAB to move U.S. headquarters to Alabama, creating 60 jobsPhil Pierce2017-10-19T15:50:26-05:0010.19.17|Business|